Academic Roles for Healthcare Professionals

Faculty, Administrative and Executive Roles for Healthcare Academic Programs

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Save hundreds of thousands of dollars across the life of your institution. Compare here.

*Upon purchase, you will receive an email with your specific code for Unlimited Postings.

VIP Postings

Program Director, Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program

Rutgers University

Newark, NJ

Founding Dean - Health Sciences

St. Edwards University

Austin, TX

Associate Dean of the School of Speech-Language Pathology

Pepperdine University

Calabasas, CA


Frequently Asked Questions

What makes HealthcareHigherEd different?

Simply put: affordability, visibility, and specificity. HealthcareHigherEd is the only job site dedicated to academic faculty, executive and administrative roles in institutions of higher education. We are also the most AFFORDABLE job posting site for higher education jobs. Compare to HigherEdJobs, The Chronicle of Higher Ed, and Inside HigherEd. The cost difference is clear.

How does posting a job work?

Simply click "Post a Career", choose your type of posting (each has different levels of visibility and posting length), input your payment information, and then click "Post". It is that easy.

How much exposure will my job posting receive?

Every day the site visit counts are increasing. On average, daily visits per week vary between 500-1000 views.

How can I trust that "Unlimited" is truly unlimited?

When you contact us, we will send you a link to purchase your own dedicated coupon code to post as many jobs as you desire, for the life of your institution. Healthcare HigherEd is able to offer this because of leveraging strategic software and hosting services that are funded in perpetuity, therefore, HealthcareHigherEd will never go away. You can post one job, one thousand jobs, or 15 jobs now and 25 jobs in 2065 (or beyond). The Unlimited Plan is truly a one-time posting fee for unlimited postings for as long as our software and hosting services are around.

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